Monday, December 07, 2009

Day 5 of 23

Today the princess graces our countdown yet again.  I couldn't show you pictures from our Christmas Tree hunt without showing you Maggie.  She is now a pro at finding the perfect tree!  She knows what kind of tree we like, she knows the shape of the tree, and how full we like it.  We had a couple good debates this year over our tree.  Usually we can convince her to keep looking after a few minutes, but there were a few she was pretty insistent on.  The only reason we kept moving was because Fionn pulled rank and ran off, so we followed as good parents do.  This picture was on our ride back with our tree.  That's our tree right there in the background, all bundled up.  She was so excited that we got it and were headed back to the hot cocoa and cookies!  We hope you all had a great weekend, and that you got a little bit of snow wherever you are too.  It was the perfect compliment to our weekend. 

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