Sunday, September 13, 2009

Baby J - a NILMDTS session

I know that I never post pictures from my NILMDTS session, I allow the families to share what they want of their beautiful children with who THEY want to.  This summer I have been very blessed to go to The Children's Home, not once, but twice and meet two very beautiful, very alive little babies who have limited time here with their families.  Both families have given me permission to share their children with you, but today is the first time I am choosing to do so.  Baby J.  is just beautiful isn't he?  What a sweet little baby, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time in his presence.  His family was just so welcoming and loving, and it was great to see them all interact with him. 
I won't share much of his story, but I will tell you that his parents are wise beyond their years, and the strength I saw in both of them today will help carry them through the tough time that is to come.  Please take a moment to stop today and say a prayer for Baby J and his family.  Although he looks perfect in every way, he is not, and only our Heavenly Father knows just how much longer we will be graced by his beautiful presence.  

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Baby Sophia

Not long ago I had the privilege to take Maternity Pictures for Erica and Jay and I am honored to say that I also had the privilege to go and take their beautiful new daughter, Sophia's, newborn pictures as well.   Here is just a taste of what we got.  She was absolutely beautiful, and I loved the time I got to spend with them.